
Thursday 29 March 2018

Hibernate Interview Questions

  1. What is Hibernate Framework?
  2. What is Java Persistence API (JPA)?
  3. What are the important benefits of using Hibernate Framework?
  4. What are the advantages of Hibernate over JDBC?
  5. Name some important interfaces of Hibernate framework?
  6. What is hibernate configuration file?
  7. What is hibernate mapping file?
  8. Name some important annotations used for Hibernate mapping?
  9. What is Hibernate SessionFactory and how to configure it?
  10. Hibernate SessionFactory is thread safe?
  11. What is Hibernate Session and how to get it?
  12. Hibernate Session is thread safe?
  13. What is the difference between openSession and getCurrentSession?
  14. What is the difference between Hibernate Session get() and load() method?
  15. What is hibernate caching? Explain Hibernate first level cache?
  16. How to configure Hibernate Second Level Cache using EHCache?
  17. What are different states of an entity bean?
  18. What is the use of Hibernate Session merge() call?
  19. What is difference between Hibernate save(), saveOrUpdate() and persist() methods?
  20. What will happen if we don’t have the no-args constructor in Entity bean?
  21. What is the difference between sorted collection and ordered collection, which one is better?
  22. What are the collection types in Hibernate?
  23. How to implement Joins in Hibernate?
  24. Why we should not make Entity Class final?
  25. What is HQL and what are it’s benefits?
  26. What is Query Cache in Hibernate?
  27. Can we execute native SQL query in hibernate?
  28. What is the benefit of native SQL query support in hibernate?
  29. What is Named SQL Query?
  30. What are the benefits of Named SQL Query?
  31. What is the benefit of Hibernate Criteria API?
  32. How to log hibernate generated SQL queries in log files?
  33. What is Hibernate Proxy and how it helps in lazy loading?
  34. How to implement relationships in hibernate?
  35. How transaction management works in Hibernate?
  36. What is cascading and what are different types of cascading?
  37. How to integrate log4j logging in hibernate application?
  38. How to use application server JNDI DataSource with Hibernate framework?
  39. How to integrate Hibernate and Spring frameworks?
  40. What is HibernateTemplate class?
  41. How to integrate Hibernate with Servlet or Struts2 web applications?
  42. Which design patterns are used in Hibernate framework?
  43. What are best practices to follow with Hibernate framework?
  44. What is Hibernate Validator Framework?
  45. What is the benefit of Hibernate Tools Eclipse plugin?

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